Starting Your Native Plant Garden
Creating a low-maintenance wildlife garden from A-Z.
Are you lost on how to start a native plant garden? What online and book resources can you trust? How do you find the plants, grow the plants -- and then how do you design a sustainable, low-maintenance landscape? Award-winning author, speaker, and garden designer Benjamin Vogt helps newbies and advanced gardeners alike navigate building or remodeling a native plant garden.
This 65 minute self-paced class is one you can return to time and again. Benjamin's voiced-over video presentation, filled with dozens of images, guides you from initial research then ultimately takes you through the design process of a small garden bed that wildlife and neighbors will adore.
Class remains online at the sole discretion of the author. You have unlimited access to the class as long at it remains online. Class and all material is the sole copyright of Benjamin Vogt (author) and can't be rebroadcast, transcribed, or shared in any way without the prior written permission of the author. All sales are final and no refunds will be issued.
Your Instructor
Benjamin Vogt is owner of Prairie Up, formerly Monarch Gardens, offering garden design, online classes, workshops, webinars, and guidebooks. He is the author of A New Garden Ethic: Cultivating Defiant Compassion for an Uncertain Future, as well as Prairie Up: An Introduction to Natural Garden Design. His forthcoming book, Unlawning America, will be released by Timber Press in 2026/27. Benjamin’s work has been featured in Dwell, Fine Gardening, Horticulture, Midwest Living, the New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal. He is based in Nebraska and works nationally.